Pray for Chiefs Canada is a prayer initiative to encourage prayer and to bring hope for our First Nations Chiefs and leaders of Canada. PFCC is a ministry from Faith Arise Ministries who has a passion to minister healing and transformation through prayer, evangelism and outreach to our First Nations People of Canada and various nations.
We know that First Nations Chiefs carry great weight and have much responsibility for their people and their land. It is our goal to pray for our Chiefs of Canada and hold as many communities up in prayer as we can. We at Faith Arise believe that prayer changes things and when several people stand in the gap in prayer, God will hear and answer our cry.
There are many needs in the First Nations communities in Canada and the leaders need encouragement as they persevere in such diligent work. We need faithful prayer partners for this project. If you feel called and sense the leading of the Holy Spirit to pray for our First Nations people and Chiefs of Canada we would love to hear from you.
To all the First Nations Chiefs we want you to know that we are standing with you in prayer and would like to hear your prayer requests and needs for your community. Please send us your prayer request by filling out the form below. Megwetch!
Love and Honor
Treneta & Faith Arise Team